Wednesday, January 19, 2011

mystry unsolved- Signs Of A Haunted House

 Beware of the empty rocking chair. Some people are skeptical, but others claim they have experienced otherworldly residents living in their homes.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Was the Titanic Tragedy Foretold- TRAGIC MYSTERY

Perhaps one of the strangest cases of foreshadowing the world has ever known was a novel written in 1898 by Morgan Robertson about a ship called Titan that crashes into an iceberg. And, of course, in 1912, the RMS Titanic crashed into an iceberg as well. Although the novel was written as a work of fiction, it strangely foretold the events of what would come to be one of the most famous disasters of all time.

mystery - Are There Extraterrestrials Walking on earth with us?

 A question that no one can answer for sure is if extraterrestrials walk with us every day. If we have never seen them nor have any idea about their capabilities, how could we know if they walk with us or not. 


 Almost every state in the United States has UFO sightings, but one in particular has had many sightings that concentrate in smaller communities